Ostern hatte ich endlich mal wieder Zeit für mich. Karfreitag hatte ich zusammen mit Hildegard Prinz Aufsicht bei der Keramikausstellung. Das Wetter war gruselig wie mein "cracked head", es fanden sich trotz Regen doch ein paar Besucher. Freitag Nacht zeichnete ich dann ein relativ unbefriedigendes Portrait. Am Samstag hatte ich zuerst meinen Sinn für den lockernen Strich noch nicht gefunden. Das Portrait war einfach nur langweilig. Danach malte ich zwei kleine Ölbilder. Eines davon kann ich breits zeigen. Das Zweite muss nochmal bearbeitet werden. Gestern versuchte ich mich an einem großen Acrylbild. Mit Malmesser! Ich bin selbst total glücklich mit dem Ergebnis.
Easter, I finally had time for myself. Good Friday I was supervisor at the ceramic exhibition together with Hildegard Prinz. The weather was scary as my "cracked head". In spite of rain we could count a few visitors. Friday night I drew a relatively unsatisfying portrait. On Saturday, I had not yet found my first sense of the loose line. The portrait was just boring. Then I painted two small oil paintings. One of them I can show you. The second must be processed again. Yesterday I tried a large acrylic portrait. With a palette knife! I'm totally happy with the result.
Easter, I finally had time for myself. Good Friday I was supervisor at the ceramic exhibition together with Hildegard Prinz. The weather was scary as my "cracked head". In spite of rain we could count a few visitors. Friday night I drew a relatively unsatisfying portrait. On Saturday, I had not yet found my first sense of the loose line. The portrait was just boring. Then I painted two small oil paintings. One of them I can show you. The second must be processed again. Yesterday I tried a large acrylic portrait. With a palette knife! I'm totally happy with the result.
"Screenshot" Acrly 60 x 50 cm, (ich und mein Mann finden es cool) |
"Karen" Öl, 15 x 15 cm ( ich liebe es) |
"Jessie" Bleistift DIN A4 (langweilig!!!) |
"Genine" Bleistift DIN A4 (schlecht gezeichnete Zähne) |