An der Wallfahrtskirche St. Nikolaus in Ebbs kann man einen atemberaubenden Blick in das Inntal und die Berge genießen. Ich war bereits vor einem Jahr mit meinem Mann vor Ort um die Kirche zu zeichnen. Gestern war ich zusammen mit meiner Malfreundin Andrea vor Ort. Wir skizzierten dieses Mal den Blick aufs Inntal. Kommentar von Andrea: "Ganz klar...Du zeichnest wieder die Mülltonne!"
At the pilgrimage church of St. Nicholas in Ebbs you can get a breathtaking view of the Inn Valley and the mountains. I went with my husband to draw the church a year ago. Yesterday I was with my sketch-friend Andrea at this beautiful place. We sketched this time the view of the Inn Valley. Comment by Andrea: "Of course ... you draw the trashcan!"
At the pilgrimage church of St. Nicholas in Ebbs you can get a breathtaking view of the Inn Valley and the mountains. I went with my husband to draw the church a year ago. Yesterday I was with my sketch-friend Andrea at this beautiful place. We sketched this time the view of the Inn Valley. Comment by Andrea: "Of course ... you draw the trashcan!"