Zuerst machten wir Tonwertskizzen. Virginia hatte uns allen einen extrem groben Baumarktbleistift geschenkt. Damit wir ja nicht zu genau werden konnten. Uns so fertigten wir einige kleine Skizzen an, die wir in einem kleinen Rahmen unterbringen sollten.
I was excited that I now should meet Virginia Hein. I like her sketches very much and a workshop with landscapes fits to me very well, because I live in a lot of scenery. We met again at the CCCB and walked towards the harbor. I now saw the sea! Great!
First, we made value sketches. Virginia had given us all an extremely rough DIY-market pencil. So we could not be too exactly. We made small value sketches that we should bring in a small frame.
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value sketches, I also sketched the pencil |
After that we should mix our own grey. I already knew that from Shari Blaukopfs workshop.
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World Trade Center, Barcelona |
The time passed quickly. After two watercolour sketches time was over. I decided to stay in the harbor and sketch me with a few others included Virginia. A dancer did a cool dance in front of us. I sketched her with few quick strokes.
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dancer at maremagnum |
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harbour |
Dann rief ich meinen Mann an und wir dinierten hervorragend im Maremagnum. Es gab eine gegrillte Dorade mit gegrilltem Gemüse. Superlecker. Und ein fantastischer Ausblick vom Obergeschoß des Maremagnum auf den Hafen, der sich in der Abenddämmerung von seiner romatischen Seite zeigte. Ein gelungener Tag 2.
Zurück in Deutschland malte ich Virginia Hein, die auch ein Mitglied bei JKPP ist.
Then I called my husband and we dined well at the Mare Magnum. We had a grilled sea bream with grilled vegetables-yummie . And a fantastic view from the top floor of the Mare Magnum in the harbor, which was reflected in the twilight of his romantic side. A successful Day 2
Back in Germany I painted Virginia Hein, who is also a member of JKPP.
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Virginia Hein |